Useful info
01 Directions & Parking
Click on the button to start Google Maps trip or choose Festival Arena as the destination point of your Taxi
Parking is available and free for attendees. The parking staff will instruct you on the spot.

02 Schedule
Attendee registration start (2 days); opening of the expo zone
Conference hall starts working. See the detailed agenda
End of the conference hall program; closure of the expo zone
03 Venue access

04 Dining/Food courts

Standard ticket
Attendees can purchase food and beverages at the outside foodcourt (working hours from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.). Сoffee points are also available at the expo zone.

Attendees are provided with vouchers for lunch at outside foodcourts. This lunch includes poke bowl, dessert and a cold drink

VIP ticket
Coffee-breaks, lunch and beverages will be served at VIP Lounge
05 Networking app

06 Dress code

08 Simultaneous translation

09 Prayer room